A DIY Gift for Santa: Kid Safe Bath Bombs

Santa’s love for milk and cookies is well documented, but too much of a good thing can quickly get old! While contemplating what alternative gift might thrill the jolly fella (and our children alike), we thought about the long hours Santa and his helpers put in at the workshop this year. Surely what Santa would appreciate most of all is a little bit of Christmas Eve self-care. When the festivities are all prepared and the stockings are stuffed you can relax in the bath with these kid safe DIY bath bombs. We mean, Santa can! 
DIY Kid friendly bath bombs gift for santa

Gather the Goodies for your Kid Safe Bath Bombs

Ingredients for DIY Kid friendly bath bombs gift for santa
    • 2 cups baking soda
    • 1 cup citric acid
    • 1/2 cup epsom salt
    • 1/4 cup corn starch
    • up to 1/2 cup coconut oil (melted)
    • 20 drops of essential oil (optional. Choose kid friendly oils like lavendar, bergamot, or chamomile.)
    • Water soluble color (optional)
    • Bath bomb molds
Ingredients for DIY Kid friendly bath bombs. gift for santa

Mix it Up

A child pouring ingredients for DIY Kid friendly bath bombs into mixing bowl. gift for santa
1. First you'll combine the dry materials:  baking soda, citric acid, Epsom salt and cornstarch– in a large bowl. Mix thoroughly.
Melted coconut oil and essential oils for DIY Kid safe bath bombs
2. If your coconut oil is solid place the jar in a bowl of warm water to melt. Measure out 1/2 cup and add your essential oils to this liquid. 
Mixing wet ingredients and color into kid safe diy bath bombs
3. Slowly add your liquid to  the dry mixture, incorporating it with your hand until you have the texture of damp sand. The liquid required will vary depending on your climate. If the citric acid begins to bubble you're adding too much. We added just over 1/3 cup to get this consistency but some may need more or less.
4. Now you can get creative! If you want to add color(s) decide how many and separate out into smaller bowls. We went with a pepermint oil so red and white made sense. Add a few drops of colors and incorporate, adding more until you've achieved the color you desire. The more pigment you add the more colorful the water will become.
packing ingredients into bath bomb molds for diy santa gift
5. Pack the bath bombs into the molds, 1 half at a time. The tighter you pack the mold, the heavier your bomb will be. For bath bombs that float pack lightly. Overfill one half of the mold and then press two together.
Filled bath bomb molds for kid safe bath fizzes
6. After a few hours you can carefuly remove the bath bombs from their molds. Depending on your climate, let them dry for 24-72 hours. 
A child holding homemade bath bomb to leave for Santa gift.
Leave one out for Santa, who will surely need a relaxing bath by the end of the night! These kid safe bath bombs are great to give to family members as stocking stuffers, to take a relaxing Christmas Eve bath, and easy to customize and make all year long.

Wishing you and your family warm and happy holidays from everyone at Oompa Toys.

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