Gifts Your Three-nager Will Love

Toys for 3 Year-Olds - Oompa Toys

Once children hit their preschool years, they're ready to absorb everything around them. This means they want to do just what Mom, Dad or older kids do, whether they're able to or not. And that's where the term "threenager" comes into play. Striking out on their own and wanting to be independent means that sometimes a three year-old can be, well, moody. 

Rather than fight this stage, embrace their enthusiasm and creativity with toys that encourage their independence and spirited nature.

Here are our favorite picks!

Encourage Exploration!
We think 3 year-olds are the perfect age for making new discoveries, whether it's by using a kaleidoscope or learning about what bugs they find in the backyard with these Wood Bug Blocks. Toys that encourage discovery are a great tool for them at this time in their development.

Encourage Creative Expression!
Picasso probably started painting at age 3, so it's natural to try and nurture creative impulses too. We carry all non-toxic art supplies so you can feel safe knowing that the paint that ends up on their hands (and clothes) won't be bad for them! 
Shop Arts & Crafts

Grimm's Color Chart Rally Blocks - Oompa Toys
Encourage Open-Ended Play!
One of our favorite sets to gift 3 year-olds usually come from Grimm's, who manufacture natural blocks from FSC-certified hardwoods. All of their sets are meant to encourage children to be imaginative and don't require instructions or a design that's already been made for them. A set like the Color Chart Rally Wooden Blocks Set will be a gift they love for years to come.

Encourage Nurturing!
Meltdowns happen. But having a soft toy or doll that helps a child self-soothe is crucial to this often sensitive age. Our full assortment of stuffed animals and dolls are made from organic materials and are safe to cuddle with from ages 1 to 100.
Shop our Dolls and Stuffed Animals

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