Let Love Grow! DIY Wildflower Seed Bombs

Nothing says "I love you," like trying to save the bees for someone! This Valentine's Day, you can give a gift that grows and helps support our pollinator populations. Hand them out with a native wildflower or a recycled paper card, and your loved ones will be thrilled. These DIY wildflower seed bombs are a great project for children, with something to do for every age. 
Wildflower seed bomb Valentine materials

Here's What You'll Need

  • Paper from your recycling bin
  • Mixing bowl
  • An old blender
  • Strainer
  • Cheesecloth or an old rag
  • 1 tablespoon of wildflower seeds
Wildflower seed bomb Valentine soaking paper scarps in a metal bowl

Prepare Your Recycled Paper

Have your children gather old artwork, mail, or schoolwork. The colors you choose will affect your final product, so keep that in mind when choosing. Let them rip the paper into small squares and submerge them in a bowl of hot water. Soak the paper scraps in hot water for 20-30 minutes.

Wildflower seed bomb Valentine strainer with a cheesecloth inside

Blend and Strain

Place your paper scraps into an old blender and cover with water. Use the pulse function to turn your mixture into a pulp. While that runs, place your strainer into the mixing bowl and place your cloth into the bowl.

Wildflower seed bomb Valentine paper pulp and seeds
Pour the paper pulp into the prepared strainer. Mix in 1 tablespoon of wildflower seeds. Choose seeds that are native to your area or do well in your climate. Smaller seeds are easier to fold into the paper pulp, so avoid wildflowers with larger seeds.
strain most of the water from the paper pulp for Wildflower seed bomb Valentine
Gather the ends of your cloth and squeeze some of the water out of your pulp. You want them to be wet enough to form into shapes but not fall apart. If you squeeze out too much water you can add some back one tablespoon at a time. Place your paper pulp in a bowl.
heart seed bombs next to a bowl of paper pulp for Wildflower seed bomb Valentine

Shape your Wildflower Seed Bombs

Here's the fun part! Create your seed bombs by rolling your paper into balls or pinching them into little hearts. You can create any shape you'd like and even use silicone molds to get an intricate design. Once you've shaped your pulp into seed bombs, allow them to dry for at least 48 hours, depending on your climate.

Wildflower seed bomb Valentine gift

Tips for Planting your Wildflower Seed Bombs

The idea of tossing seeds around our cities and watching them explode with wildflowers in the spring is a fantastic one. Unfortunately, a lot of places aren't well suited for wildflower growth. To ensure you have the most positive impact on our pollinators, be mindful of where you plant your seeds. Your backyard or patio is a great option, especially if you live in a developed area where nectar might be hard to come by. Pop the seed bombs into a pot or flower bed and wait!

Another way we like to use our wildflower seed bombs is out in nature. We grab a handful before we leave for the park or head out on a nature hike. Tossing them into a natural area that doesn't get too much foot traffic is ideal. Avoid places mowed by your cities landscapers or areas that are too developed to provide a conducive environment for growth. 

We can't wait to see love bloom this spring! Tag us on social media and use the hashtag #OompaToys. Happy Valentine's Day!

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