Baby Gift Ideas for Newborns

Best Newborn Baby Gifts | Oompa Toys

A new bundle of joy means that newborns (especially first babies) will be inundated with gifts and gear for both baby and parents!

Oompa Toys has carefully curated a selection of quality baby gifts that are made from only organic and sustainable materials, so you can feel confident knowing that the gift you give a new baby is safe for them and the planet.

Everything is new to a baby and watching them delight in new shapes, sounds and experiences is truly a joy. Here are some of our favorite gifts to give a new baby.


A rattle helps baby start practicing how to grasp and move those tiny fingers. Whether babies are on their back or on their tummy, rattles help them engage and practice using those motor skills. If you choose a rattle that squeaks, these noises help baby develop cause and effect right out of the gate - if I squeeze this toy, it responds to me. Watch baby giggle as this realization hits!
Shop Rattles and Teethers

Blanket or Swaddle

New babies and blankets go hand in hand. There are a variety of uses for a special blankie. They are great for impromptu tummy time, help create a space for baby to lay on and play and a swaddle helps soothe and help a newborn fall fast asleep. A blanket also has the ability to become a favorite item as baby grows, as well as a special keepsake for Mom and Dad to save.

Shop Blankets and Swaddles

Stuffed Animals

From organic teddy bears to sweet, soft dolls, a stuffed animal is a gift that your baby will love for years to come. The right stuffed animal might even make the trip to their college dorm (not because they need it though, simply out of love!) Stuffed animals encourage little ones to practice nurturing skills at a young age. As they notice Mom and Dad giving lots of love and snuggles to them, they’ll practice these critical life skills on their very favorite stuffed animal too. As self-soothing becomes a daily practice, a well-loved stuffed animal might be the key to some good night’s sleep (for baby and parents).

Shop Stuffed Animals

High-Contrast Toys

As a new baby’s eyes begin to adapt to the different milestones of vision, one thing remains the same: high contrast images are helpful to both engage them and help them learn. Wee Gallery is one of our favorite brands for gifts for babies under age one. The graphics help baby recognize familiar shapes and encourage them to work on motor skills.

Shop Wee Gallery

And while showering a new baby with gifts is always fun, let’s not forget about Mom and Dad! Bringing home a new child for the first time or into a growing family can be quite the learning curve.

Check out our post about the best ways to take care of new parents right here.

What are your favorite gifts to give new babies? Chime in below!

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